dirty hvac

Benefits of a Winter HVAC Tune-ups

Experiencing a frigid evening without an heating system can be quite uncomfortable. Therefore, tuning up your heating system can help prevent you from facing this predicament, especially before the winter cold season. Borum offers only the highest quality HVAC services, ensuring you have the ideal experts working on your system.

Heating that’s reliable

One of the biggest reasons to get your heating system inspected and cleaned regularly is to make sure it runs when you need it the most. The heating system of a furnace collects dirt, dust, and particles over time. This could harm it, triggering a failure. A tune-up will ensure that any clogging issues and the accumulation of dust are removed, the interior of the furnace is cleaned and inspected, and the chance of a system breakdown is minimized.

Preventing worse problems

While the technician is cleaning your heating system, they are also able to inspect and test different components in the unit to make sure it will work properly. Often times the small problems are able to be identified and repaired before they cause any further damage to your system and cause a complete shut down. Also by doing this your technician can also give you a early warning on possible issues that will have to be addressed later, preparing you for any mechanical repairs later down the line.

Saving you money

Besides saving you money on avoidable repairs, it can also save you on your energy bill. A tuned furnace that’s operating at peak capacity is more efficient. This is because any restrictive dust and debris is removed, letting the system move are more easily. Since it doesn’t have to work as hard to keep your home warm and comfortable throughout the winter it will actually use less energy. When your heating system doesn’t require as much effort to operate, you use of less electricity. This translates, in turn, to lower utility bills.

Keeping your system running longer

Performing annual furnace tune-ups is essential in ensuring that your heating system lasts as long as possible. According to estimates regular inspections and cleaning can add up to 20% to the lifespan of your system. Your HVAC technician will thoroughly clean all the parts inside of your unit to make sure they are able to work properly and unrestricted. This helps reduce unneeded wear and tear on your unit which could otherwise negative effect its lifespan.

Contact Borum Heating and Air to schedule your systems seasonal tune up and better protect the comfort of your home.

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